Pegagan HS Melancarkan Sirkulasi Darah

Herbs Product
Pegagan HS


PEGAGAN HS terbuat dari herba Cantella Asiatica yang mempunyai manfaat untuk mengatasi berbagai penyakit, melancarkan sirkulasi darah, menambah kecerdasan otak dan menghilangkan selulit.

Senyawa saponin, termasuk asiaticoside, asam asiatat dan madecassoside yang memacu produksi kolagen, thankuside, isothankuside, brahmoside, brahmic acid, madasiatic acid, triterpen acid, meso-inosetol, centellose, carotenoids, garam K, Na, Ca, Fe, fosfor, vellarine, tannin, mucilage, resin, pectin, gula, vitamin B, minyak lemak, kalsium oksalat dan amygdalin.

Anti infeksi, penurun panas, peluruh air seni, regenerasi sel dan memperbaiki sirkulasi dengan revitalisasi pembuluh darah (mempertinggi permeabilitas kapiler), tonikum dan astringen (memperbaiki fungsi membran dan mengikat molekul-molekul protein untuk mengurangi iritasi dan peradangan serta pertahanan terhadap infeksi).
Kode : 75/60/20
Isi : 50 kapsul

PEGAGAN HS is produced with Centella Asiatica which can treat any various diseases, launch the blood circulation, improve the health function of the brain, and heal cellulite.
PEGAGAN HS contains Saponin substances such as asiaticoside, Asiatic acid, madecassoside which help to boost the collagen production, thankuside, isothankuside, brahmocyde, brahmic acid, medasiatic acid, triterpene acid, mesoinosetol, centellose, carotenoids, K salt, Na, Ca, Fe, Fosfot, Vellarine, tannin, mucilage, resin, pectin, sugar, vitamin B, fatty oil, ocsalat calcium, and amygdalin.

PEGAGAN is helpful as anti-infection, antipyretic, diuretic, cell regeneration, improve circulation with revitalized blood, tonicum, and astringent (recovering membrane function and binding protein molecules to decrease irritation and inflammation and also maintains body from infection).

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